Social Policy Analysis

Utilizing the text and outside scholarly sources, examine Child Welfare Policy in the US, and provide a written analysis of existing policy in the chosen area.

This project should be a minimum of 4  pages (not including title page, references or graphs), well researched using peer-reviewed articles, and in APA format.

The following should be addressed:

Type of policy and level at which it is being analyzed (federal, state, or local)
Intended target population of the policy
Brief history of the policies intended to address this problem
Policy alternatives that were explored (bounded rationality framework)
Political constraints on the policy decision making process
Unintended consequences of the policy, if known
Results of the policy on the target population

The following criteria must be represented in your research and essay.

Demonstrate critical thinking skills in the policy practice arena
Describe the role of listening skills in the creation of social welfare policy

One of the documents attached includes the abstract I’ve already completed. The other file includes notes taken to use in the paper.

Feel free to use additional sources