Case study: Abramovitz

After reading the article by Abramovitz, discuss

The major points made in the article This should be a brief summary in your own words.
How has your field placement agency has been affected by cuts in funding for services or other changes in the policies for determining who can receive services?
How have both the workers and the clients been affected?
How would the concept of a living wage affect the clients served by this agency?
Reflective Question – How do these concepts about employment, compensation, poverty and welfare reflect the history and values of social welfare in the United States? At a minimum refer to three different readings from the VCU Social Welfare History Project, with proper citations.

Students are expected to answer all the questions of the assignment. Your paper should be completed in 4-6 pages and must make a minimum of three relevant references to your class readings or sources available through Moodle (in addition to the required VCU references). References should use proper APA style