In-Depth Semester Report_Report

 In-Depth Semester Report (one/semester)

Three (3) pages of Summary (Times Roman 12 Font Size with single space)
Please select one country you did not select for your individual cultural analysis reports.

  • Geography
  • In-depth History (Historical, current political, economic, cultural background)
  • In-depth country’s major foods & beverages (Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner)
  • Traditional holidays or special events (wedding, birthday, or funeral foods)
  • One Menu recipe (4 servings)- add the reference at the end
  • Introduce 5 local restaurants where the menu item is available (Restaurant Names, Address, Phone Number, Price of the item, & Yelp Review Summary)
  • References

Report Format: Only use Microsoft Word program for the above report (Times Roman 12 points, & Single Space)

In-Depth Semester PowerPoint Slides (10 Slides)

  • Detailed Synopsis Summary
  • Professional Food Pictures
  • Food Prep Video Link (YouTube link would be accepted)