Counseling Psychology & Psychotherapy

Please answer the following question:

What is your understanding of the Therapeutic Relationship and its role in therapeutic outcomes?

In answering the question, critically evaluate your understanding of the client-therapist relationship; consider how this relationship is viewed within the three main theoretical approaches: Psychodynamic, Humanistic and Cognitive/Behavioural and explain how you feel it effects the outcome of Counselling and Psychotherapy. Use your knowledge of literature and theory to help you answer this question.

N.B Additional notes which will help you structure your essay:

Your essay should have a very clear structure. There should be a clear introduction, main body, and final concluding paragraph.

Ensure your introduction is concise and contains all of the relevant information expected. For example, background information on the topic or key definitions (if appropriate and/or necessary). The introduction paragraph should start broad and become narrower, essentially creating a triangle shape.

The main body of the essay should be clearly structured, with only one point per paragraph. Make sure that the first sentence of the paragraph sets the scene of that specific paragraph. The middle section should contain literature, references and critical thinking. The final sentence should highlight how that paragraph has developed your argument and be linked back to the essay question.

The concluding paragraph should be structured like an inverted triangle (the opposite to the introduction). Start the paragraph narrowly by highlighting what you have discussed, then broaden out to think more critically about what this means in the context of the essay question and your argument