Modernist Writing

Answer the following question:

My own theory is that [the genesis of modernism] is related to an imbalance
between the two tensions from which art springs: these are the tension between the
artist and his material, and between the artist and his audience, and that in the last
seventy-five years or so the second of these has slackened or even perished. In
consequence the artist has become over-concerned with his material (hence an age
of technical experiment), and, in isolation, has busied himself with the two principal
themes of modernism, mystification and outrage (PHILIP LARKIN).2

Discuss Larkins argument in relation to the work of TWO authors you have studied
on the module.

The two authors to look at are; James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and
Ezra Pound, Hugh Selwyn Mauberley

Please note: Writing style is MHRA which includes footnotes and bibliography.
please include quotes from critics to ensure that the essay is supported by evidence. and atleast 10 references