Port Security/Planning/vulnerabilities 2-3-4

This is a 3 part assignment

Part 1
in 250 words

Explain the specific security challenges encountered in the port maritime environment and discuss what a risk-based management framework looks like as it applies to this mode of transportation. Discuss the Megaports Initiative which has since been curtailed. From your perspective, why was this program not advanced to its initial goal of 100 ports? What port security challenge was Megaport designed to address?

Part 2

Describe the components that contribute to port security planning. Why are they important and what aspects of security planning are considered in port facility operations? Discuss the significance and purpose of the Secure Freight Initiative?

Part 3

Looking at the key initiatives such as SMART, SAFE Port, SVSS and others, where do you see that the vulnerabilities still exist? What threat vector has not been addressed? Can this vulnerability be quantified? Provide a critical analysis in a narrative form where are the vulnerabilities, what risk do they poseAND who addresses them.