Informal Grapevine Communication
When reading an article written by Giovanna Kast, I discovered an interesting opinion on the form of communication known as the grapevine. The article described in the first paragraph, how the grapevine could be beneficial to a company. The grapevine can bring employees together through communication and making them more independent. However, it is extremely important to not, this is not describing the grapevine within a criminal justice field, just any occupation. Having this type of independence away from the company standards is not necessarily good within criminal justice and could cause a lot of trouble. Within criminal justice fields, it is important that everyone is not only on the same page, but that the hierarchy of the department is functional. There is a reason that in individuals in charge are the once communicating with those below them, and this is how it should be. With technology on the uprise, it is not surprise that there are even more discussions happening through the grapevine. However, for a department to run properly and smoothly, the grapevine communication must be minimal if not absent.
Counteracting the Informal Grapevine
Reducing grapevine communication can be quite simple. Obviously, workplace phones and computers can be monitored, and making sure non-formal communication is not happening there would be easy. An important point is that if someone is caught using grapevine communication, there should be some sort of punishment for the individual. Obviously not too heavy of a punishment at first unless it was serious. If the grape vining continues to occur, then more serious punishments could take place. It is important that the individuals within a company know the importance of solid communication. The Bible discusses the importance of communication in Proverbs 13:17 which says, An unreliable messenger stumbles into trouble, but a reliable messenger brings healing. (NLT).