GO19_AC_CH02_GRADER_2G_AS – Concerts And Sponsors 1.0


GO19_AC_CH02_GRADER_2G_AS – Concerts And Sponsors 1.0


#GO19_AC_CH02_GRADER_2G_AS – Concerts and Sponsors 1.0

#GO19 AC CH02 GRADER 2G AS – Concerts and Sponsors 1.0

Project Description:

In this project, you will use a database to answer questions about  concerts in the local college area. You will create a relationship  between two tables, create a query from an existing query, and create  queries using text, numeric, compound, and wildcard criteria based using  the fields in one or both tables. You will create calculated fields,  group data when calculating statistics, create a crosstab query, and  create a parameter query.

Start   Access. Open the file Student_Access_2G_Concerts_Sponsors.accdb downloaded with this project.

Using Sponsor ID as the common   field, create a one-to-many  relationship between the Sponsors table and the   Concerts table.  Enforce referential integrity and enable both cascade   options. Create a  relationship report with normal margins, and save it as a3 Relationships. Close all open objects.

In the last record of the   Sponsors table, change the Sponsor ID from SPONSOR-108 to SPONSOR-100, and then close the table. (The related records in   the Concerts table will automatically update.)

Copy the Concerts $1000 or More   Query to create a new query with the name Jan-Apr Concerts Query.  Redesign the query to answer   the question, What is the Date, Concert  Name, Concert Location, and Box   Office Receipts for concerts between 1/1/22 and 4/30/22  sorted in ascending order only   by the Date field? Run the query (five  records display). Close the query,   saving the changes to the query.

Create a query in Query Design view based on the Concerts table to    answer the question, What is the Date, Concert Name, Concert Location,  and   Box Office Receipts for a concert location of Georgetown   Community Theater or Austin City Center and for box   office receipts that have an amount that is greater than 1000 sorted in   ascending order by the Date field? Run the query (four records display). Save   the query as GCT OR ACC Over   $1000 Query, and then close the query.

Create a query in Query Design view based on both tables to answer  the   question, What is the Sponsor Name,   Concert Name, and Concert  Location for a sponsor name that has radio anywhere in its name and for   a concert name that ends in festival sorted in ascending order by the Concert Location field? Run the query   (two records display). Save the query as Radio   Festivals Query, and then close the query.

Create a query in Query Design view based on the Concerts table to    answer the following question, What is the Concert ID, Concert Name,  Concert   Location, Sponsor ID, and Date for records that are missing  the date? Run the   query (two records display). Save the query as Missing   Concert Date Query, and then close the query.

Create a query in Query Design view based on both tables to answer  the   question, What is the Concert ID, Sponsor Name, Box Office  Receipts, and a   new field named Sponsor Donation that will calculate and display the donation amount when the Sponsor   donates an amount equal to 50 percent (0.5)  of each box office receipts amount to the Music Department. Sort the    records in ascending order by the Concert ID field. a. Run the query  (the   second recordEVENT-102has a Sponsor Donation of 287.5).

Display the query in Design   view. In the fifth column of the design grid, create a new field named Total   Donation  that   will calculate and display the total donation when the box  office receipts amount   is added to the sponsor’s donation amount. Run  the query (the second   recordEVENT-102has a Total Donation of  $862.50).

Display the query in Design view. Use the Property Sheet to format  the   Sponsor Donation field as Currency with 2 decimal places, and then  close the   Property Sheet. Run the query, apply Best Fit to the  fields, save the query   as Sponsor Donation Query, and then close the query.

Create a query in Query Design view based on the Concerts table to    answer the following question, What are the total Box Office Receipts  by   Concert Location sorted by the Box Office Receipts field in  ascending order?   Use the Property Sheet to format the Box Office  Receipts field with 0 decimal   places, and then close the Property  Sheet. Run the query (for the Concert   Location of Georgetown Community  Theater, the sum of the box office receipts   is $7,850). Apply Best  Fit to the fields, save the query as Receipts by Location Query, and then close the query.

Use the Query Wizard to create a crosstab query based on the Concerts    table with the Sponsor ID field as row headings and the Concert  Location   field as column headings. Sum the Box Office Receipts field,  and name the   query Sponsor and Location Crosstab Query.  Display the query in Design view. Use the Property Sheet to format    the last two columns with 0 decimal places. Run the query, apply Best  Fit to   the fields, save the query, and then close the query.

Create a query in Query Design view based on the Concerts table to    answer the following question, What is the Concert Name, Concert  Location,   Box Office Receipts, and Sponsor ID. Sort the records in  ascending order by   the Concert Name field? Set the criteria so that  when you run the query you   are prompted to Enter the   Sponsor ID in the format SPONSOR-###. Run the   query, and when prompted, enter SPONSOR-101  as the criteria (six records display). Display the query in Design    view and hide the Sponsor ID field from the results. Run the query  again,   entering SPONSOR-101 when prompted. Save the query as Sponsor   ID Parameter Query, and then close the query.