Human Right Essay


At the beginning of class, you were prompted with the below essay assignment.  Now, at the end of the class, following an extensive survey of human rights issues in this course, I would like for you to answer the same prompt.  This time, incorporate what you have learned from the course.  Please adhere to the guidelines you have been learning from the rubric this semester and ask yourself the following questions as you prepare your essay:
Discovering:  What appropriate, credible sources or evidence support my writing?
Engaging:  How well can I convey effective ideas in my writing?  Are there errors in my writing?
Analyzing:  Does my writing address cultural context, whether local, national, or international?
Evaluating: Am I offering strategies for improving the issue(s) about which I am writing?
Students will write a one-page, single-spaced closing essay, with whatever references you feel are required to support your position that contains the following:
What do you think it means to be human?  What is a right?  What is a human right?
Consider the issue of human rights abuses that you are now currently aware of.  Share 2-3 examples.  How much do these things weigh on your conscience?  How often do you think about these types of issues?  How do you feel when you do?  Do they matter?
Conclude your essay with a personal assessment of your own level of ethical responsibilities to intervene as a global citizen.