Reflection Paper #1 Start Assignment

Write a description of a hypothetical research study applying the scientific method to further examine and study the toilet plume phenomenon. Your paper should include the general category and type of research (e.g. observational or interventional clinical trial, laboratory simulation, survey, etc…), problem or question being
addressed, the testable hypothesis, tests or experiments being performed, and type of data being collected.

Post 2 questions and answer one question posted by a classmate. Your discussion posts and responses should address questions about specific content areas covered during this learning module. 

Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Structure
Organization Flow of thought Transitions Format
5 pts
Exceeds Expectation: Paper is logically organized; Easily followed; Effective, smooth, and logical transitions; Professional format
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Grammar/Mechanics
sentence structure punctuation/mechanics
5 pts
Exceeds Expectations: Manipulates complex sentences for effect/impact; No punctuation or mechanical errors
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Language
Vocabulary; use of vocabulary Tone
5 pts
Exceeds Expectations: Vocabulary is sophisticated and correct as are sentences which vary in structure and length; Uses and manipulates subject specific vocabulary for effect; Writers tone is clear, consistent and appropriate for intended audience
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Content/Information
Clarity of purpose Critical and original thought Use of examples
5 pts
Exceeds Expectations: Central idea is well developed and clarity of purpose is exhibited throughout the paper; Abundance of evidence of critical, careful thought and analysis and/or insight; Evidence and examples are vivid and specific, while focus remains tight
5 pts
Total Points: 20