Week 4 – Discussion Forum 2


Before attempting this discussion,

  • Read in the textbook.
  • Review the Leadership vs. Management section of Chapter 1 in the textbook.
  • Watch The Perils of Confusing Management and Leadership video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dz8AiOQEQmk

Reflect: Min 250 words

Reflect on the sections, Task Leadership, and Relationship Leadership in Chapter 4 of the textbook. Simply put, leaders with a task style focus on goal accomplishment in their group, and leaders with a relationship style help followers feel comfortable in the group and in situations. Good leaders should be both task-focused and relationship-focused. With that in mind, think about leader who has influenced, improved, and inspired you positively (in any organization in society) and who has impacted positive outcomes and results. How did that leader balance achieving objectives with building relationships? Was that leader more task-oriented or relationship-oriented, or were they good in both areas?

Also, reflect on video and what you have learned. Are leadership and management the same? Why or why not? What is the difference between being a leader or a manager?


In your initial discussion forum post,

  • Compare leadership and management.
    • Are they the same? Why or why not? Explain.
  • Identify a leader who has inspired you and answer each of these questions:
    • What did the leader accomplish that impressed or inspired you?
    • Is the leader more task-oriented or relationship-oriented, or both?
    • How did the leader use their task and relational behaviors to achieve results and positive outcomes?
    • Were they more of a manager or a leader, or both?