help ech395

 This assignment is the culminating project for ECH 395. Since a draft was submitted last week, you must incorporate any feedback given to you by your instructor prior to submitting the final draft to Taskstream. The completed assignment must demonstrate a thorough knowledge of effective learning environments for young children. Students will complete their previously expanded and submitted designs to picture a developmentally appropriate learning environment grounded in early childhood theory. This design should include all the necessary components per the ECERS criteria, including an indoor and outdoor environmental design which includes furniture/storage arrangement, displays, large/small group areas, and learning centers. Most importantly, the design must demonstrate and incorporate a firm knowledge of the practical application of design principles for both typically and atypically developing children.There are two parts to the Applied Design Project: the design and the written narrative. The design must picture an early childhood learning environment including a classroom and outside area. The design must include a key, typed labels and descriptions prepared as a PowerPoint, Floor Planner, or other computer generated document. Completed designs should be submitted as digital files in such a way that all aspects of the design can be seen clearly.To accompany the design document, students will compose a comprehensive written narrative describing their design (minimum 3 pages). The written portion of the project will include:

  1. A name for the classroom
  2. Ages of children served
  3. A description of the major elements depicted in the environment. Major aspects of the design should be discussed, with information from the text incorporated to support the design choices provided in multiple areas. It is critical that the theories or ideas that influenced the design be discussed. Aspects of the design related to children with disabilities and diverse populations should also be discussed and explained. For information about the assessment of this assignment, view the rubric below.