No Child Left Behind

This paper will be an in-depth analysis of a current social welfare policy discussed in the readings. Consider such current policies as Social Security, Americans with  Disabilities, Temporary Aid to Needy Families, No Child Left Behind, Health Care legislation. Follow the framework of social policy analysis and consider the history of the policy, the cost, its effectiveness, and its future.  Additionally, this paper must address and discuss the Human Services values relevant to the topic, and that best informs an understanding of the analysis.  This paper must demonstrate CSHSE Standards 11, 12, 13, and 15. Identify two ethical concerns that developed as a result of your identified policy. Connect the ethical concerns to two ethical standards from the Ethical Standards for Human Services 2
Professionals. This paper must be typed and double-spaced.  Correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure is imperative.  References must be cited correctly with a reference list included. Paper must follow the American Psychological Association. See the attached Rubric. Papers should be completed in APA format., Theory, or NOHS Standards.) Submit to the specified Dropbox by the date given by the faculty member. (APA) format.