On-line instruction can never replace in-class contact

Many complaints have been registered within your previous essays about the Department of Education curriculum requirements that interfere with your ability to teach and make a positive impact on your students. Here is your chance to make a formal complaint and recommendation for change

In a carefully organized five paragraph essay, make your case.

I will judge your essay for structure, logical sequence, grammar and persuasiveness.

Your position is your own. I will not judge it. There is no wrong position. I will look for a mature, well considered statement.

Avoid slang, provide clarity, remember your audience and persuade.

The essay will conclude the class and will hopefully show the benefit of our short time together.

On-line instruction can never replace in-class contact. This free writing exercise is purposely based entirely on your own experience and opinion. There is no article on which to comment.

Enjoy the freedom.

Above all, take time, take it seriously, write a draft, and edit.

The assignment is due on  August 23, 2021. You have enough time to plan, organize, write and rewrite.

I am always available to answer your questions and provide assistance, if needed.