Marketing Plan Presentation

Attached documents to assist with assignment

The Presentation instructions: 

A narrated presentation to the class not to exceed eight (8) minutes in length. You should assume that you are presenting your plan to a potential investor or lender a professional business audience (think TVs Shark Tank). 

Keys to a successful presentation: 

  •  Professionally prepared slides
  •  Presentation skills count enunciation and correct pronunciation is important
  •  Avoid background noise
  •  Do not read the slides – tell your story
  •  Be prepared for the discussion in Module 8 your classmates will provide feedback on
    your presentation
    Your slides should follow this format and sequence:
  •  Cover slide which includes your name and project
  •  You may have optional slide(s) with pictures or relevant images
  •  Product description with FAB 2-3 slides
  •  Separate slide for your SMART objectives
  •  SWOT – 4 slides (one each factor)
  •  Segmentation 3 slides (one each segment)
  •  IMC will vary, but commonly 3-5 slides
  •  Closing
  •  Reference list – you are required to keep a list of all sources other than the course
    materials (text, module content, this guide) used to develop your plan. Include these as your final slide.