impression management

Impression Management is a part of Goffmans theory of the self and interaction. In interaction we are concerned with maintaining image of self. Goffman as describes the importance of collectively maintaining the order of interaction. He describes ritualized ways in which we interact and methods to maintain a positive self image and when that image is challenged, interaction shifts to saving face.

In this assignment you will watch two clips from TV shows that exemplify Goffmans theory of impression management. Then, you’ll write a reflection paper.

Chandler’s Job Interview (
Impractical Jokers-Running the Gauntlet (

Write a reflection paper that includes:

Summary of the two clips.
Then, apply Goffmans concepts to each clip. Utilized the concepts of front stage/back stage, saving face, and impression management.
After the application, reflect on how you would interact if you were one of the characters. Which interaction rituals and strategies would you use to restore a positive self image?