
The objective of this team assignment is to provide students with the opportunity to analyse and evaluate financial statements of a public listed company (should be from north America of Canada) and its financial ratios. For this assignment, your team will be evaluating the financial performance of the chosen company through performing research and analyzing its financial ratios over the past 3 years, comparing against 2 competitors (industry ratios comparison). Through this assignment, you will to be able to apply quantitative reasoning, critical and creative thinking, and communication, and problem-solving skills.

This assignment carries 20% of the grade.

Report Submission Instruction:

Maximum 8 pages excluding Reference/Appendix. You may consider using Refernce/Appendix section to include your research references, relevant graphs, charts, illustrations, and tables. Report due date and time: 19 Sep 2021 23:59 Hour Pacific Standard Time Report must be submitted in Week 10 Turn-it-in link Team Assignment Due 19 Sep -Submit Here. A separate link Team Assignment Submit Excel File here (if any) will be provided if you want to submit your excel file, if any available. Report submission by email will not be accepted.

Only the team captain of the team needs to submit the report on behalf of the team.

Report Expectation:

Your report should cover the following content, or you may include relevant sections where appropriate.

1. Executive Summary

2. Introduction

3. Companys Financial Situation

4. Companys Ratio Analysis

5. Industry Ratio Comparisons (Company vs. its 2 competitors)

6. Recommendations

7. References/Appendix