Pre and Post Rebellion

In our discussion of the events of 1967, the class largely agreed that Newark experienced a rebellion, meaning the Black population had legitimate grievances against those in power.  This essay asks you study to what extent the Rebellion was a turning point for Newarks African American community.  Did life improve for Black Newarkers after the Rebellion?  If so, how?  Or, did Black Newarkers continue to face similar problems after 1967 despite the Rebellion? 

In a 3-4-page essay, analyze the experiences of Black Newarkers before and after the 1967 Rebellion, pointing out in what ways their experiences differed or remained the same. 

Rather than simply describing or summarizing the issues, your essay should identify and analyze specific themes such as (housing, jobs, public health, politics, relations with other groups in the city, crime and policing, etc.).  A strong essay will draw meaningful comparisons using material from the sources.