Cases in Marketing

Read case study and questions carefully and answer the following questions

Case Study : Effective strategies for long-term growth

1. Explain the terms vision and aims. Give examples related to NATS and a business of your choice. (10 marks)

2. What is a SMART objective? Explain one benefit for NATS of setting SMART objectives. (10 marks)

3.Analyse how having clear, long-term strategies supports NATS vision for global expansion. (15 marks)

4. To what extent can having a clear vision, strategies, aims and objectives guarantee a business success? Use the case study to support your ideas. (15 marks)

Highlight the main points of the case and any issues that you can identify. Read the questions closely and analyze what they are requiring you to do.

Identify the issues in the case study an important part of your answer is to analyze the situation and to identify the issues/actions described in the case which may be problematic. The following questions may help you to do this:

What actions were taken in the case?

Were these actions the most appropriate and why?

Were there any consequences of the taken actions?

Was anything omitted or not considered?

Were actions/procedures in line with existing codes of practice, policy or theories?

This activity must meet the following formatting requirements:

Font size 12


1000 words

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