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  Management Consulting Template (MCT) with Shandong Golds Proposed  Acquisition of TMAC in the High ArcticSTEP 1: Important Pre-MCT process  (getting ready to use the MCT). First. before confirming the key  opportunity/challenges/problem/issues to work on in the case  study/organization the consultant begins by reviewing the  circumstances/case study and then first chooses the most effective  diagnostic tools to use on the case study (and then uses them) in order  to gather key information; Second. the consultant must use the  diagnostic tools thoroughly The consultant does not normally determine  and should not assume nor guess what the issues/tasks etc affect the  organization in the case study before using the diagnostic tools in a  comprehensive analysis- (this is the standard expectation of the client,  the assignment and the consultancy process); Third. having used the  diagnostic tools and having gathered thorough diagnostic information the  consultant then thinks throught/determines what the problems are (often  deep rooted). Note that there is not one exact/perfect answer-  different consultants and different tools can lead to different pathways  to resolve the situation in the organization. Fourth.from this point on  now the consultant proceeds with the MCTemplate. If few tools or  ineffective tools are used the selection may be too limiting, narrow it  will likely i. be limiting and not fully satisfying for the client; ii.  be impacted by bigger problems/goals left unattended. Fifth. at this  point of the process, the consultant uses critical thinking to derive  three options (Table 2) and provides detailed information in Tables  2.1/2.2/2.3 and ultimately selects one of these three options as the  preferred option for the situation; Sixth. having selected their option,  the consultant continues on through the MCTemplate. STEP 2You will be using the Management Consulting Template. Here is some  helpful information: The Management Consulting Template (MCT) is a tool  used by consultants to track their thinking and analysis in order to  come up with strong/best recommendations for the client based on the  diagnostic tools/facts/critical analysis/logic. The goal in MCT is to  pick one of three options for the client and work it through the MCT and  to therefore have a persuasive argument in place. (Later when finished  using the MCT the consultant would then use the information within the  template to write up a professional report. However. for this assignment  we only complete/deliver the MCT template itself). Note some of the  important aspects/pointers I typically expect/review/explain for this  assignment: i.What are the steps one should consider in Assignment of  BUSI640- using the Management Consulting Template (MCT)? a. review the  Case Study documents to understand the situation b. select the  diagnostic tools that will help you with diagnosis of the situation c.  think through b. with the help of those tools d. come up with three  options (Table 2) that you as the consultant decide are the best three  options for the consultant to overcome/improve the situation the client  is facing e. select only one of those three options as your preferred  option f. from that point on only answer the remaining tables in terms  of the one preferred/selected option you chose. Having done the above  you would have now arrived now at Table 3 ii. What about critical issues  and WNTBA? For each of 3.1, 3.2 etc you now need to think through the  question what are the critical issues (problems or barriers, etc) that  will need to be addressed in order to achieve the one option I have  selected/chosen? For each of the sections (3.1, 3.2 etc) answer the  questions for each of the critical issues you find for that section. a.  Table 3B Table 3b is closely connected to Table 3.1; 3.2; 3.3 etc  the box in Table 3B that states What Needs to Be Addressed can be  understood as a question What needs to be addressed in order to  overcome/resolve the critical issue(s) that were found in Table 3.1;  3.2; 3.3 etc b. Table 4 Table 4.1; 4.2; 4.3 etc are closely connected  to Tables 3B WNTBA is What Needs to Be Addressed the WNTBA  Statements come from Table 3.1; 3.2; 3.3 etc having filled in the  statements you now need to then find/decide on two  solutions/ideas/alternatives (i.e. Alternative #1; Alternative #2) for  the client that best address/help solve each WNTBA having come up with  two alternatives for each WNTBA, you now need to select one of the two  alternatives as your recommendation for each WNTBA and give the  rationale as to why you chose that alternative (bottom box of 4.1; 4.2,  4.3 etc.) c. The section of Table 5 is where the final recommendations  and outcomes are written that result from the critical analysis work you  did in the earlier sections/tables leading up to Table 5. d. Only the  reference page is APA; type directly into the boxes; no other  paper/documents etc are necessary beyond the template other than the  reference page and any appendices you decide to add; it is ok to use  professional point form but preferably in Tables 2 (the three options)  use full sentences/paragraphs and give good detail as Tables 2 will  likely contain the most information and the other tables will be  sentences and smaller sections/answers typically. This is a critical  analysis assignment where you show you have tracked your thinking,  analysis, and recommendations AND that they fit together.NOTE: (a) Read  the case study two times to develop an understanding of the situation(b)  Review the Management Consulting Template (which is the consultants  tracking tool for their analysis of the situation;(c) You are a  consultant hired to resolve a problem and/or create an opportunity(d)  The MCT is a tracking tool used by the consultant to help them develop  their recommendations. It is only for the consultant and not for the  client- it is not a final report, but the consultant in the field would  use it as a tool towards preparing the final report.(e) All the  responses are put directly into the template boxes/onto the form. (f)  APA is only required for the Reference page which is a separate  attachment you add on to the back of the MCT document. Citations do not  be specified within the body of the MCT, but include all references used  on the Reference section. Requirements: tabular form explanation