Peer Response week 3 RC

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There are two types of morality. Relative morality is when people create their own unique morality and the concept of a universal morality is not existent (Boss, 2017, p. 281). Moral relativists have different perspectives on controversial topics and what they say, goes. As for a universal morality, it is the complete opposite. Simply put, there is a universal moral principle that everyone follows regardless of culture, personal desires, or religion (Boss, 2017, p. 281 & 284). Controversial issues such as abortion or other sensitive topics are given a set of perspectives that are widely accepted by many people.

Personally, the universal morality represents my views. When I feel like something is seen as positive or negative, I would believe that many others would think so too. No matter where other individuals come from, they would see it the same way as I do for the same reasons. I do understand that everyone is different and lighter, noncontroversial topics are subject to different judgements.  The strengths of using universal morality are that we learn what is acceptable and what is not, we understand what to avoid in our daily lives, and we learn how to prevent certain negative things from occurring by raising awareness. Some weaknesses would be that any other view that is different is seen as immoral and unacceptable to the universal moral principle and it can lead to conflict with those who use relative morality. Compared to relative morality, the strengths of using this are that you gain a personal understanding of controversial topics and by having this unique understanding, you bring a new view to the idea. Weaknesses consist of bringing the wrong view to a certain topic which can lead to conflict and that having a unique morality on something may not be the same for others.

Thank you!