Practical Application


APA 7th Edition

APA Title Page

Students may elect to use the Word Template Provided or Create their Own Template.

APA Reference Page: Minimum of 2 Reference with Correlating In-Text Citations

Instructions: 2 Parts – Management Assessment & Practical Application

Assignment Overview: There are two aspects to this assessment. A template has been provided, but it is not required to be used. Discuss three management types or management philosophies/theories and provide a one to two paragraph summary of which management type, philosophy, or theory you think is best and how this may help you as a healthcare leader.  

Part 1 – Management Types/Philosophies/Theories Discussion: Identify and Discuss Three Management Types, Management Philosophies, or Management Theories. Provide a brief summary for each of each identified management type, philosophy, or theory.

Part 2 – Practical Application: Provide a one to two paragraph summary of which management type, philosophy, or theory you think is best and how this may help you as a healthcare leader.