Research Methods 2

There are two tasks:

Please select your potential and Dissertation Topic and:

Task A: Please develop and upload a well-structured interview that will enable you to gathering valuable data for your research. You should develop 9 to 12 questions that you feel will assist you to meet your Research Objectives and answer your Research Question(s). It is suggested that you link your interview questions to your Research Objectives.

Task B: Please develop and upload a well-structured Survey / Questionnaire (12 – 15 questions) that will enable you to gathering valuable data for your research. It is suggested that you link your survey questions to your Research Objectives.


 This activity must meet the following formatting requirements:

Font size 12

Word Limit: N/A


Harvard Referencing System

pdf only

   Due date

 Date: 23rd August 2021 at14:00h CEST

Credit will be given for evidence of:

Library/Internet based research. Try to use a mixtureof resources – books, articles as well as the internet.

Understanding of the issues raised by the questions.

Concise and clear presentation. Acknowledge any quotes, ideas or arguments that are not your own using the Harvard system.

Originality and a critical and questioning approach.

The rubric below provides additional information on how your work will be marked.

   Weight towards final grade

   This activity has a weight of 40% towards the final grade.

 Assessment criteria


  The assignment is designed to provide learners the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to develop effective and well-structured interview questions that will enable them to gather the required data qualitative and quantitative data for their research. The goal of this