Treatment of Basal Ganglia Disorders


For this assignment search the empirical research from the past ten years to find five to six studies on the treatment and neurological components of a disorder of the basal ganglia. Discuss the treatment options and their neurological components and the challenges of treating this disorder. Do you believe that this disorder will eventually be treatable and, if so, what would the method of treatment be? Be sure to include a discussion of the components and function of the basal ganglia and the neurological components of the chosen disorder.

This assignment should be 5 to 6 pages excluding the title page, abstract, and reference section. Scholarly research must be current (research cannot be older than ten years) with a focus on the genetic and biological components of the disorder and treatment.

Writing should be at a graduate level with complete, well-developed sentences and paragraphs and written in APA format 7th ed.  Proper APA in-text references, title page, and full-text reference pages should be utilized. Block-style or frequent quoting will result in formatting/writing deductions. Students should preview the grading rubric for further direction and information before they begin the writing process. Include the 5 required subheadings below in your paper.

1. An introduction and overview of the components and functions of
      the basal ganglia
2. The neurological components of the chosen disorder
3. Treatment options and their neurological components
4. Treatment challenges and future methods of treatment
5. Direction of future research and conclusions