Week 7

  1. Week 7 Assignment – Ethics In The Courts
    This assignment is due in Week 7 and worth 100 points.
    For this assignment, you are asked to Review Chapters 79 in the textbook and the . https://www.appa-net.org/eweb/docs/APPA/Code-of-Ethics.pdf Complete the following:
    1. In at least 40 words or more, define the duties of a probation officer.
    2. List and discuss three ethical dilemmas faced by probation officers. The word count will vary for this section.
    3. In at least 80 words or more, discuss three ways probation officers can avoid those dilemmas.
    4. Select five codes of ethics from the codes provided that you find most important. Explain why you find them valuable by providing three reasons. The word count will vary for this section.
    5. Format: Please use the provided when completing this assignment.
      The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
    • Analyze ethical situations and practices in the courts and legal profession.
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