Leadership styles

  Answer the following question in no more than 2 pages.

1. Describe a specific situation where the coaching leader style has helped you accomplish a task.

2. Describe a specific situation where the authoritative leader style has helped you accomplish a task.

3. Explain the importance of adapting your leadership style based on the situation. 

4. Think of someone in your personal or professional life that you would consider to be a great leader. This can be a coach, teacher, mentor, supervisor, family member, etc. Once you have identified this person, answer the following questions in the space below.

What are some of the character traits of that person? (Character traits are the aspects of a person’s behavior and attitudes that make up that person’s personality.) 

What would you say were some of their strengths as a leader? 

Did you feel as though they were an effective leader? Why or why not?

What leadership style would you say they are most in alignment with? Explain why.