Diverse Populations Infographic

Create an infographic geared to the specific diverse population you chose in Assignment 3.2: Choose a Diverse Population.

Demonstrate an understanding of the challenges this population faces when obtaining health care.
List specific health promotion needs that are related to this population.
The goal of this project is to project how health care is perceived by this population of diversity to improve understanding by the provider.
Use APA 7th edition format for in-text citations. You may put these in a much smaller font.
Use at least three scholarly references preferably from provider-based or NP-based journals.
Take time to look at other infographics and see what catches your attention and what does not. Learn from what you observe. Watch the videos on how to create an effective infographic. You may incorporate a video (3 to 5 minutes) to show how your diverse population feels or the challenges they face. An infographic is much like a commercial you must tell the most important parts of your story in a way that visually catches the eye and engages your audience. The story must flow and be told in pictures, graphs, and short video clips.

The following sites have free trials or you may find other free infographic sites on your own. Some allow you to download what you create, and other sites let you post to a community page and get a link to share.

PicMonkey Infographic (Links to an external site.)
Venngage: How to Make an Infographic in 5 Steps (Guide)