Week 7 eng

“Now Presenting…” Answer both of the following topics listed below (1 and 2) with an original post of 6-8 sentences    Try to post early in the week and reply to at least one classmate’s post with thoughtful details of 4-5 sentences.   **Each weekly discussion is worth 30 points. Take your time and give us as much insight and detail as you can.** 

  1. Who is the best speaker you know, personally or professionally?   Describe this speaker’s abilities, including a time when he/she made a strong connection with an audience. 
  2. What is the most important thing to remember about making a work presentation?   How do you keep yourself from being nervous when you present?

Please address the following:

  • Think about a situation in which a presenter had a significant impact on you.
    • Describe the situation and analyze why the presenter was able to make such a strong connection with you and the other audience members.