Curriculum Assignment


This assignment will ask you to compare and contrast curriculum for Infants,Toddlers and Preschoolers. After reviewing the lesson plans, you will answer the given questions:

The Assignment  

Compare the three sample lesson plans on page 67-69. Once you have analyzed the 3 lesson plans, you will need to answer the following 3 questions in a chart format:

1. How are the three plans alike? Give a minimum of 3 examples, each example should have a minimum of 3 sentences..

2. How are the three plans different? Give a minimum of 3 examples, each example should have a minimum of 3 sentences..

3. Do you feel the subject matter is appropriate for each age group? Explain why. (all 3 plans should be addressed and each contain a minimum of 3 sentences)

In addition to the chart, you will include a paragraph (minimum of 7 sentences) discussing why it is important to have a written plan for curriculum goals.  Answers must be supported with page references from our chapter. 

Grading Criteria

All questions should be answered completely, with complete sentences and in chart form. (10 points)

The following should be included in the chart:

Comparisons as to how the 3 plans are alike: (20 points)

Comparisons as to how the 3 plans are different:(20 points)

Age appropriateness of the 3 plans is discussed: (20 points)

Summary paragraph should be included: (20 points)

Page reference is included to support facts (10 points)