Discussion Post


Post 3

For this new threaded class discussion, I wanted to address college affordability. It was over 50 years ago that then President Lyndon B. Johnson signed a landmark piece of legislation that he said would “swing open a new door for the young people of America.” But even today the door to higher education still remains closed for millions of students, despite all the Higher Education Act did to level the playing field. Years of budget cuts in state funding for our public colleges & universities have driven up tuition and harmed students educational experiences by forcing faculty reductions, fewer course offerings, and even campus closings. These choices have made college less affordable and less accessible for students who need college degrees to succeed in todays economy.

SO — based on your review of the recent annual almanac (and your reading so far in the Bastedo, Altbach, & Gumport text), what are some specific things that colleges & universities can do to lower tuition costs and make college more affordable and accessible to all students, not just the wealthy or middle class students. 

Must be 500 words and cite from the book   Bastedo, Altbach, & Gumport text