Patrol Work and Crime Prevention

The main functions of the police include patrol work and crime prevention. Patrol work is considered the backbone of policing, as patrol officers interact with the public throughout their shifts.Prevention of crime includes activities to keep the citizens safe and is a catalyst to improve the publicpolice relationship. 

Imagine you are a police officer asked to give a presentation for new recruits to introduce them to patrol work and crime prevention strategies employed to maintain public safety.  

Create a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation in which you: 

  • Explain the difference between patrol and other roles within a police department. What are 3 functions of patrol work? Provide an example of each. 
  • Describe different types of patrol and how each affects crime and community relations. 
  • Identify at least 2 improvements or innovations that have been incorporated to aid in patrol. How does each improve police patrol work? 
  • State the difference between reactive and proactive crime prevention strategies used by the police.

Include detailed speaker notes. The notes should be equivalent to you presenting to a group of new recruits. 

Provide examples to support your points in the presentation.

Presentation should include a title slide, introduction slide, research slides, conclusion slide, and a reference slide. (The Title Slide and Reference Slide do NOT count towards the slide count requirement.) A 10 – 12 slide PowerPoint Presentation should average between 800 – 1,100 words of research. See Rubric.

List major points on the slides using bullet points which are should be limited to approximately five lines; approximately five words per bulleted item. Add a paragraph (approximately 100 words) to the speaker notes to support the bullet points with a citation to give credit to the source. Speaker notes are not required on the Title or Reference Slide.