
***Doctorate Level Questions*** No Plagiarism….Paraphrase the content, and provide Citations and at least TWO Reference Sources for each question provided….Please provide a substantive response for EACH question. Each question should each have a word count of 150 words or more….Please provide appropriate foundational knowledge, be factual, and enhance the dialogue.Please do not recite the same words just to provide word count. 

Question One

 One of the first steps to justifying your dissertation topic is to identify literature relevant for justification of the problem space. Based on the literature you have reviewed to date, identify 3-5 articles relevant to the justification of your proposed problem space. For each, concisely discuss how the article supports your overall potential problem space based on what has been discovered and what still needs to be understood related to your topic. Include in-text citations and APA-formatted references for each article. What did you find most challenging in identifying the relevant articles? What recommendations would you offer to your classmates to make the selection process more efficient? Explain. 

Question Two

 Using the 3-5 articles identified and discussed in DQ1, synthesize an argument for the problem space of your proposed topic in 5-6 sentences. What is the overall problem? What has been discovered about the problem? What still needs to be understood (the problem space)? How will your proposed topic contribute to the problem space? Include citations and references.