
 Cover Page: Title, Course, Name of Student

 Table of Contents

 Section 1. Consider the information of the first three classes. What is GDP? What is it made up of? What weight does Consumption have in the GDP of the USA? And in China?

 Section 2.  Discuss to what extent these two countries economies complement each other.Evaluate how sustainable the US model based on consumption is. How sustainable is the Chinese model based on Investment?

 Section 3.  Consider the information of the first three classes. What explanation do they give for the difference between upper income countries (like the USA) and middle or lower income countries (like China) 

 Section 4  Evaluate the relative importance of having the biggest economy in the world (soon China) compared to having the most productive large economy in the world (the USA). Identify the changes a country (like China) has to make to make its economy more productive.

 Bibliography harvard style

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