
In this discussion, we will explore psychodynamic theory and the influence of Freud on our understanding of personality. Complete the following activities:

Watch a biography of Freud’s life; you can search for one on YouTube (for example, Biography of Sigmund Freud, at http://www.biography.com/people/sigmund-freud-9302400/videos/sigmund-freud-full-biography-9577539960 ; you don’t have to watch this one, but you are welcome to choose it). Pay particular attention to Freuds theory of personality in light of his personal life and the zeitgeist.
Read Why Freud Still Matters, When He Was Wrong About Almost Everything at http://io9.gizmodo.com/why-freud-still-matters-when-he-was-wrong-about-almost-1055800815
After reviewing these resources, post your answers to the following questions:

To what extent is Freud’s theory influenced by the era in which he lived? Explain specific aspects of psychodynamic theory that may be autobiographical to Freud’s own life.
Provide two (or more) examples of Freuds theory in our modern era. Explain your examples.
Post your initial response by Saturday at midnight; all peer replies are due Tuesday at midnight (in order to get full credit for the discussion, you need to post a minimum of 2 peer replies). Your initial post should thoroughly address all questions in the discussion prompt. Follow-up peer replies should ask questions, share resources, provide insight or otherwise contribute to the ongoing discussion.

All information beyond your personal opinion or reflection should give credit to the information source via in-text citations. Citations and references must be formatted in APA style.