Education and funding

Education and Funding

Title Page

Introduction: This brief section will be an overview of the topic

Personnel Costs: This section will discuss with personnel costs utilizing the majority share of district budgets, is your district considering innovative models of staffing to save money in this area, or are cuts and layoffs the only steps taken or considered?

Facility Funding: This section will discuss how your district is directing facilities funding to particular schools, and how funding has changed over the past decade?

Initiatives: This section will discuss if there are incentives built into your states or districts pension or retirement system that encourage teachers to retire at certain times? How are districts preparing for the retirement of baby boomer teachers? Are teachers allowed to return after they retire and teach, and collect both a regular and retirement check?

Class Size: This section will discuss how class sizes have been affected by budget decisions, especially during the economic downturn? Are the results of any class size changes the same across all schools in your district, or are some schools, grades or subjects hit harder?

Money Spent: This section will discuss now that most of the economic-stimulus funding has been spent by districts and states, is there anything to show for the money in terms of improvements to programs or student achievement? How are districts and states dealing with this funding cliff?


References: 5 scholarly references minimum