Article 2 Mod 3

Introduction: This article examines how quality outdoor play spaces can enhance the health and wellness of young children.

The Assignment:  

Answer the three questions listed below. Each question should have an answer that has a minimum of 5 sentences.  Title must be included

Please make sure you read the statement on Plagiarism. Also, do not copy and paste the article – that is plagiarism.

1.      What is the main focus of the article? What knowledge did you gain from your reading?

2.      What are three strategies/ideas that are discussed that you would implement in an outdoor play space for     school/childcare setting? Why?

3.      How will you implement the strategies/ideas (from the article) when working with children? How do these strategies promote Health and Physical Development? (Information that comes directly from NCFELD should be included here)

Site for Module 4:  NAEYC Young Children, Novemeber 2014, Spencer and Wright       Outdoor Play.pdf Outdoor Play.pdf – Alternative Formats  

(If you have trouble accessing this document, contact your instructor)

Grading Criteria: 

The summary is graded on a 100 point scale; it is worth 5% of your overall class grade. Maximum points are given when length of 3 paragraphs with each paragraph containing a minimum of 5 sentences is met and content summarizes key strategies to use with young children and families.

 20 points Three paragraphs are included, each paragraph has a minimum of five sentences

20 points First paragraph summarizes the main focus of the article

30 points Second paragraph summarizes three strategies from the article

20 points Third paragraph gives specific strategies/ideas you will use when working with young children.

10 points correct grammar and spelling are used. 

Resources:  NC FELD     NAEYC article