Biomedical Ethics in the Christian Narrative

 3 DQ 1

The four principles of biomedical ethics are 1. Respect for autonomy requires respect for the decisions made by a person 2. Beneficence requires prevention of harm to others, provides benefits, and balances those benefits against risks and costs 3. Nonmaleficence requires not to cause harm to another and 4. Justice requires fair distribution of benefits, risks, and costs to general population (Grand Canyon University, 2020). The order in the context of the Christian biblical narrative would be 1. Beneficence, building a caring and cohesive society 2. Nonmaleficence, caring and protecting the vulnerable 3. Justice respect for individuals. 4. Autonomy, to affirm an individual has purpose.


Using 200-300 words APA format with at least two references. Sources must be published within the last 5 years.