Reading Writing Workshop schedule 2nd grade

Please view the information on the following website about the Reading and Writing Workshop strategy

Predictable 5-Part Workshop Framework

Make sure that you select Workshop Frameworks under the Overview dropdown menu to see the 5 parts to address in your schedule.

View the following Reading Workshop Schedule (basic schedule). Design your own schedule after reviewing the Predictable 5-Part Workshop Framework website. Include the grade level for the schedule. You may use a specific book and be specific with details on the schedule; For example, what will your closure for your book? What skill will the mini lesson be about? Where are you going to address the 6 components of Reading (from the Tompkins pages)?

I have included some suggested books for this activity on the last page of the syllabus, if needed.

Here’s an website have helps you understand it better as well.

Schedule for Second Grade Reading Workshop and Shared Reading Bundle

please choose a 2nd grade book for this and make sure it is very detailed.