law in business

 Textbook :

Clarkson, K. W., & Miller, L. C. (2021). Business law: Text and cases (15 th ed.). Cengage.

ISBN: 978-0357129630

Discussion Question 1 –  CLO 1

This week we will discuss corporate social responsibility as it relates to business. Corporate social responsibility has been described as a self-regulating business model that helps a company be socially accountable to itself, its stakeholders, and the public.  

  • First, define from an academic source, what is corporate social responsibility, then follow up with the answer to What is corporate social responsibility to you?  
  • Provide two examples of corporations that meet that definition of corporate social responsibility and identify what they do that makes them socially responsible.  
  • Please provide references for your response.

Discussion Question 2 Applied Concepts

Using your textbook, LIRN-based research, and the Internet, apply the learning outcomes for the week/course and lecture concepts to one of the following scenarios:

As applied to your current professional career

As applied to enhancing, improving, or advancing your current professional career

As applied to a management, leadership, or any decision-making position

As applied to a current or future entrepreneurial endeavor


Using your textbook, LIRN-based research, and the Internet, apply the learning outcomes for the week/course and lecture concepts to a business organization that exhibits and demonstrates these concepts. You should develop a summary of the organization’s strategy and how they use these concepts to compete.

This is a learning and application exercise designed to give you an opportunity to apply concepts learned in a pragmatic and meaningful way that will enable you to gain valuable and relevant knowledge in an effort to augment your skill set and enhance your professional careers