Case brief Analysis and one discussion( Business Law )

PART 1 : Analysis the case in the file below and provide an overview of how law applies to specific fact patterns : Student will prepare your own original Application of the facts applying the law to the facts, and come up with your own original Conclusion. 

The case briefs should be written in the following format:

1.Facts: The facts briefly indicate (1) the reasons for the lawsuit, (2) the identity and arguments of the parties, and (3) the lower courts decision (if applicable).

2.Issue:The issue is the question before the court. The issue must be phrased as a question. Cases often have more the one issue (i.e., the court answers more than one question). If so, those questions should be listed here in chronological order.

3.Rule:The rule is simply the law the court uses to answer the question presented in the issue. 

4.Application:This section requires the student to apply the rule to the facts to answer the question presented in the issue. In brief, the application provides the reason(s) for your decision on the Issue identified.This part should be the longest as you are applying the facts to the law. Ex : If If I were a judge in this case, I would apply the law to the facts as follows…

5.Conclusion:Your decision on how to the resolve the Issue identified, after your application of the law to the facts.

All Name and Courts and Story are fictional, everything needed for it within the case brief itself. When citing to law or facts for the case brief, students are only to use facts or law from the Case Brief assignment itself and cannot go outside of the case brief.


QUESTION : Under what circumstances would a graphic design artist be considered an independent contractor of a company? Under what circumstances would a graphic design artist be considered an employee of the company? Give specifics..