
Answer the following questions using Chapters Chapters 27, 28, and 29 of the textbook found here at this link

1.  Quasars look like stars but are also very luminous in the radio portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. In fact, they are luminous in all parts of the spectrum and seem to defy Wien’s law. What powers a quasar, and how are they able radiate light across the spectrum? Quasars are very bright, yet we know that they are very far away. How do astronomers know that? What evidence exists that quasars lie at the centers of spiral galaxies?

2. What is the evidence that the first stars in the universe were formed during the first 1.5 billion years of its existence? How do the galaxies of the early universe differ from those of today?

3.  What is dark matter? What is the evidence that dark matter is a major constituent of most galaxies? What role did dark matter play in the formation and distribution of the galaxies?

4. What were the two early problems with the standard Big Bang model? How were those problems resolved?

The use of outside sources is optional, but you must provide citations and references in APA format for any sources you use, including the textbook. Lack of proper citations and references and/or poor grammar and spelling could result in a grade deduction of 5 to 15 points.

Also attached is an *example* assignment that has answered those questions.