At ABC Elementary School, according to the October 2014 FTE Survey records, a total of 160 students were enrolled in the ESOL program.
A review of a sample of 20 ELL student folders disclosed discrepancies in 11 of the 20 student folders sampled (55%). We noted that the ESOL documents were not filed in the students LEP folder for most of the students sampled. According to staff, at the time of the audit visit, LEP documents for students in 2nd through 5th Grades had not been completed.
Based on our samples, the following lapses in compliance with established procedures could have generated a funding disallowance to the District of approximately $2,400. Details follow:
1.1. In ten instances, the Individual ELL/LEP Student Plan was not evident in the student folder. In one other instance, the ELL/LEP Plan was dated during December 2014, subsequent to the October 2014 FTE Survey Period.
1.2. For the same ten student folders noted above, we found that the Notice to Parents/Guardians of Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students was not evident in the LEP folder.
1.3. In two instances, the student folder did not contain adequate support to document that the ELL Committee had convened to consider extended ESOL placement for the student.
1.4. In one instance, there was no evidence of the initial assessment in the student folder.
What steps should the principal take to ensure the proper procedures are established as it relates to the ESOL folders, which have adversely affected the school’s FTE and the district’s funding?
Write a thorough response discussing all steps you would take as the school principal to ensure this no longer occurs. Keep in mind that this error cannot be repeated as it is an audit exception.