Health Care Multicultural Set


A global health issue that affects a large portion of the population is HIV/AIDS. Approximately 38 million people are currently living with HIV, and millions have died of AIDS related illnesses since this health issue became prevalent(The Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic, 2021). Individuals in the population who are gay or bisexual, and belong to racial and ethnic minorities, are more likely to be affected by this health issue. There is no cure for the disease, which is transmitted through vaginal and anal sex, sharing of bodily fluids, and intravenous needle use. Certain medications can halt the progression of the disease and alleviate uncomfortable symptoms. Furthermore, many individuals who are living with HIV/AIDS do not have access to treatment methods or proper health care. Globally, 10.2 million people are still waiting to receive treatment and antiretroviral therapy, and with the COVID-19 pandemic shutting down many treatment and testing facilities, this number has continued to rise(The Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic, 2021). These are all difficulties that have surrounded improving the health of the population affected by this global health issue.

HIV/AIDS is considered to be a chronic condition because the disease is long lasting and progressive with time. An article in the module readings discusses the importance of cultural competency when dealing with chronic and life-long conditions. Research shows that racial and ethnic minorities have higher morbidity and mortality from chronic diseases(Cultural Competence in Health Care 2021). This being said, higher proportions of minorities do not have a source of care or health insurance coverage(Cultural Competence in Health Care 2021). Cultural competency is especially important in populations like those who are living with HIV/AIDS, because a large portion of these individuals belong to ethnic and minority groups and many are in parts of the world in which there is inadequate access to sufficient health care services. Until more resources and funding is allocated towards improving the availability of health care services in underprivileged areas of the world and across minority groups including the LGBTQ community, this health problem will continue to be a global issue.

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Cultural competency in a health care setting is defined by being able to aid the patient with a full understanding of their health issue as well as what patient you are dealing with. The what patient aspect is knowing all the basic and essential information about the patient such as their background and culture. When you become aware of the patient’s culture and belief system you are able to deliver more effective care to this patient. Cultural competency is essential because you want to be able to respect the wishes of the patient if you have a better understanding of the culture of the patient. The article ” Cultural Awareness in Health Care: Check List” tells us that in a health care setting we must be sure to ask the patients about their customs or any traditions. Having this knowledge will be beneficial to their health care because it will allow for a treatment that is respectful of the patient and their traditions to be administered. Linguistic competency is being aware of the most effective way of communication with your patient. Linguistic competency will allow for the health caregiver to retrieve valuable impactful information about the patient’s health. Being able to communicate with the patient will allow for a wider perspective of the case and health to be viewed. It will ensure that all the medical attention that is needed is delivered to the patient and that all their concerns are addressed. Imagine if you are traveling to a foreign country and you need medical attention you would want them to do everything in their power to aid you the best medical attention and that can only be reached if they are knowledgeable of your culture and the language that can be best used to communicate with you. The same goes for anyone with a linguistic barrier. In order for impactful health care to be delivered we must be able to ” establish clear communication” as stated in the ” Cultural Awareness in Health Care: Check List” article.

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