Flower Powers New Network

 By Wendy Gelman, J.D., L.L.M.You are the CEO of Flower Power, Inc., a fast growing chain of 100 florist shops based in the Southeastern United States.  The company opened for business 5 years ago with just 20 employees and now has over 1500 employees.  The company is now in the process of installing a new computer network, which will, for the first time, link all of the companys offices and locations.  The companys Chief Information Officer has approached you with a proposal to include a number of electronic surveillance features in the new network. 

 The proposed features include: 

 The ability of all MIS staff to shadow PCs of any employees, at any time, without the consent of those employees (shadowing allows a person, such as the MIS staff person, to monitor all a users activity on your PC from a remote location without the users knowledge) 

 Your approval is needed to install this network and these features.


1)Identify the ethical dilemmas 

2)Evaluate how stakeholders would be affected by various solutions to your dilemma(s).

3)Discuss the pros and cons of alternative courses of action.