Any topic (writer’s choice)

Crj 200
Theo link is the receding of the chapter 2

And also there is the pictures of the First Amendment ppt
In the file 

Use essay English please

Assignment 2 Due
Please answer the following questions by utilizing evidence from your textbook and lecture materials to support your answer.  Answers must be at least 5 to 7 sentences for each question. 

1. Identify at least three ways in which speech can be regulated or limited.
Answers may include time, place and manner restrictions.

2. Describe two areas in which there is some debate over whether speech can be regulated.

3. Explain one way in which your understanding of the speech provision of the First Amendment has changed over the course of this module’s lesson.

4. Do you think recent protests as a reaction to the George Floyd tragedy have helped impact policyy? If so, can you give one specific example of it changing a policy in any state or city in the United states?

Just read down below so u know what to do

((In the previous modules, you learned the history of how and why the Constitution was drafted.  This week we will examine the first to Amendments. 
In this module, you will examine the First Amendment and discuss and analyze its importance for the existence of a democracy.  The First Amendment has played a singularly important role in sustaining the system of government that the U.S. Constitution established more than two centuries ago.  Think about the importance of having the ability to have citizens openly criticize their government in public channels of debate.  Think about the various streams of information we receive daily.  Today, the First Amendment is still being debated due to the ongoing protests, and exposure to so many outlets of information due to social media and the Internet. 
Your assignments for this module are:
Read Chapter 2 in your textbook entitled Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice by Kanovitz, J.R. )))))