This task requires each student to perform a web inquiry (find authentic information from the web). You need to search for technology topics covered in Unit 1 and search the WWW for articles and news on this technology. Based on your search you are required to answer some questions to reflect on your learning.
Each student from the group will find an article on topics from Unit 1.
Topics to Choose from:
Nano Robots, Nano Parts, or Smart Materials.
The Internet and Internet of Things Smart Devices, Smart Homes, Smart City Applications, Smart Agriculture,
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence  Voice Assistants, Google Search, Sophia, Cleaning Robots, Cooking Robots, Cobots, Marketing on Social Media.
3D  and 4D Printing
3D printing in; construction, automobile manufacturing,  production, prototyping in design, 4D printing.
MIT has a list of innovative news articles at the following link MIT Technology Review.
You can review a tech magazine such as the impact of CS or Mashable.
You can search for news articles on google, click in the google news tab or visit the BBC News.

After reading the articles, write a short summary by keeping the following questions in mind. The questions were created using the 5W’s and H strategies. They are very useful for collecting information, creating summaries, and organizing information. Use them frequently in your academic writing.
Which computing innovation did you choose?
What benefits does it provide?
Why do you think this technology is gaining popularity?
Who is this technology designed for? The domain (For example personal use, health care, art & design, industrial manufacturing, transportation, food, housing, security, gaming, official communication).
How can this technology be misused? What might be some unintended negative impacts?
When and where was this technology invented or date and place of the news?
Where did you find this news? Provide a reference link to the news article.
MS Word evidence file should contain the following
Answers to the reflective questions are given as a paragraph.
Include pictures in the document to illustrate the topic visually.
List of the resources you have used and a citation of the articles at the end.
Your work should be properly organized and presented using MS Word tools effectively.
Once groups are created, add your work to the group deliverable document.