Enterprise Models

Reflect on the three competencies of this course in a minimum of 500 words. Consider how they might directly apply to your life and work environment when answering the questions below. 

Competency 1:

Use metrics for supporting business decisions.

Competency 2: 

Differentiate between SCM, CRM, and ERP and their uses.

Competency 3:

Use enterprise models to analyze, understand, and solve business problems and security threats.

Reflect on the following questions in a minimum of 500 words.

Question #1:

How could you utilize metrics such as KPIs within your own organization to help determine how well one part of your organization is performing? Think of a situation in which your organization lost out on an opportunity because it did not utilize a SCM or CRM. Provide an example, either within your work environment or in society at large, of when a security threat had an impact by accessing private data or attempting to access private data.  

Question #2:

What specific assignments or learning activities from this course did you find particularly beneficial? What do you feel could have improved or added to your learning experience in this course?