Personal Philosophy of Early Childhood Education

In lieu of a midterm exam, students will complete a Mission and Philosophy Statement for a Childcare Program you would direct or own/operate

Write a Mission and Philosophy State for an Early Childhood Education and Family Support Program.

Before completing the assignment, read through 2-2 Program Mission and Values statement (pages 22-26)

Mission and Philosophy State are only one page, single/double spaced, 12-Font

Consider a program that you would most like to direct own/operate.

Use the Radtke’s three questions to first develop a mission statement.

Be sure to describe the type of population that would be served by this program.

Include how the program will support families

Include the approved curriculum the program will use to help support children’s learning (see link below)

On page 26 – Read “What is the Basis for Choosing a Philosophy?”

Your mission statement will help to build your philosophy statement.

See sample philosophy and mission statements below:

NCDCDEE Approved Curriculums Link – This means you will have to research the curriculum you select, to gain an understanding of how the curriculum helps children to learn.  In order to include it in your mission/philosophy statement.