Analysis of the key internal factors and organizational strategy


Complete an analysis of the key internal factors that have implications for successful implementation of your organizations strategy and goals/objectives. Submit your work in your assignment folder in the form of an approximate 2,000-word double-spaced APA-formatted Work. The title page, reference list, and any appendices are not included in this suggested word count. You do not need to include an abstract.

Your work should address these topics:

  1. Given the      companys Vision, Mission and Objectives (VMO), identify the      companys core competencies and assess which ones are      rare, costly, or not easily imitated. Discuss how they are related to and      critical to the VMO execution.
  2. Present a      summary of your organization’s strengths and weaknesses. Submit      the SWOT format in Table form and add in some narrative to discuss the      strengths and weaknesses in more detail. Explain in your discussion      (not in the table) why you selected them and how they relate to the      VMO and organization strategy. (Note: You will have an opportunity      to complete a full SWOT analysis, including threats and opportunities, as      part of your week 6 work.)
  3. Apply      the Resource-Based View (RBV) to help you identify both      the tangible and intangible assets your organization may be able to use to      accomplish its intended strategies. You can list them in a table form and      then follow with a discussion of the assets, why you selected them and how      they relate to the VMO and strategy for .
  4. Consider      and discuss the things that may make your organization’s resources and      capabilities difficult for others to imitate. Use Value Chain      Analysis to help you deepen your understanding of the relative      value of the resources and capabilities you have identified. Seek      objective and independently verifiable evidence of potential rarity of the      resources and capabilities.

IMPORTANT: Do not just use someone else’s SWOT or other analysis. We want you to think for yourself. Critically analyze your firm and write about your original conclusions. Imagine you have been asked by the organizations CEO or top leader to offer an assessment of the organization and how well it is positioned (or not) to deliver on the VMO and strategy (). This is a critical element, stand back and offer thoughtful criticism and recommendations.

Add in a strong conclusion that ensures the reader leaves your work with a clear recap of your key points.