Operations Management


 In the human resource and capacity planning module I found that cross training in receiving, production and shipping was very helpful in regulating payroll and moving employees around depending on need in each area. I believe in the real world, that method can be used in some instances, but not in the more skill specific careers. You wouldnt usually be able to shift a hotel receptionist to a chef position in the kitchen with extra training, but you also wouldnt want to lose those people during off peak seasons. The manager can attempt to affect demand by developing off-peak pricing schemes, nonpeak promotions, complementary services, and reservation systems (Sasser, 2014). Not every company can rely on non-peak promotions. Companies have to resort to data driven workforce planning. This could be based on historical date, market trends, or company growth needs.  According to Peter Cappelli in his research on workforce planning, The goal in supply chains and in workforce planning is the same, to deliver just the right amount of supply to meet demand, neither falling short nor going over (Cappelli, 2009). 


Cappelli, P. (2009). A Supply Chain Approach to Workforce Planning. Organizational Dynamics, 38, 8-15.

Sasser, W. E. (2014, August 1). Match Supply and Demand in Service Industries. Harvard Business Review.